Key Features of Insight Real-time Intelligence
This reduces IT implementation complexity and enhances ongoing support.
The complexity of medical terminology has made for a worthy challenge for developers. At long last, the best front-end cNLP technology is the answer to that challenge. Now physicians can document their patient history, assessment and plan with relative ease, allowing for less distractions and higher quality care.
Cohesiveness and organization are vital to a medical facility’s capacity to provide quality care. Health professionals are now able to manage information at a rate that is unprecedented. They will now be able to streamline information and workflow to the right caregivers through their EHR using multiple workflow-friendly options.
Since Health Systems are involved in enhancing healthcare decisions between physicians and their patients using the best clinical evidence available, HITEKS can support better decisions by having better real-time data in the chart by activating HITEKS, physicians can support better decisions by having better real-time data in the chart.
HITEKS’ Insight Real-Time Intelligence software incorporates a range of products to create a suite of tools for the health care provider. This suite differentiates from others due to its high usability and EHR integration. Our highly usable service ensures speed and accuracy of the proprietary clinical Natural Language Processing platform that serves as its basis.
Our products are optimized for your current EHR environment and scalable to meet your future workflow and informational needs with good and timely data. HITEKS currently develops and deploys integrated solutions with the EHR (e.g. Epic) which are targeted to the provider groups who are seeking real-time point-of-care feedback. We have focused on decision support to support better coding and quality improvement using the products below:
For NoteReader Physician Workflow
(Sepsis Surveillance and Heart Failure)
HITEKS offers a flexible hosting environment that allows for workload scalability through HITEKS’ dedicated servers which communicate instantly in closed sessions with the EHR workflows. Because we’re in the cloud, hardware resources by our clients are not needed. We scale up or down to meet customer demand and service utilization requirements. Our cloud-hosted offering allows for secured PHR information exchange in accordance with HIPAA (ISAE 3402 / SSAE 16 Type II SOC 1 compliant).
The real-time nature of the interaction between HITEKS and the patient record allows for HITEKS to solicit and return EHR workflow-based and patient-based specific guidance that doesn’t slow down clinicians.
Here are some additional differentiators for HITEKS:
We interface at the point of care in real-time, where the clinical data is entered. From there we help to improve documentation and upload the data automatically into existing workflow for reimbursement submission and quality reporting. The goal of our technology is to improve physician workflow, revenue capture and quality documentation and reporting. The basis of HITEKS’ solutions to physician data-entry and documentation improvement is our proprietary Natural Language Processing (cNLP) engine. This software process utilizes state of the art cNLP featuring sub-second processing of free text delivered as a hosted service. The extracted data is then returned and placed in the appropriate structured fields in the EHR. This processing not only includes structured data extraction but also analysis of the data for appropriate reconciliation, coding and quality abstraction.
Using algorithms clinically proven in millions of records, a clarification is sent instantaneously to the physician at the point of care in real-time. This enables the physician to correct documentation in real-time as well as become informed of the latest recommendations for their patients at different points in the clinical workflow. The real-time nature of the interaction between HITEKS and the clinician allows for HITEKS to solicit workflow-based and patient-based specific feedback from the physicianthat otherwise would be difficult to obtain.