CAPD360 is an EHR agnostic cloud-based software service built on HITEKS’ Insight A.I. platform. Within Epic, CAPD360 is the only solution powering the NoteReader CDI workflows which provide real-time, immediate Physician Workflow queries and notifications as feedback to the individual physician on their individual pre-saved/signed note in the Embedded Editor feature, and to the entire care team for queries based on signed documentation. CDI Specialists have oversight of the process using Epic Work Queues and are able to control the logic, follow-up on queries which are read but not responded to or satisfied, as well as the activation/de-activation of queries.
CAPD360 is based on tested algorithms with high positive predictive value. HITEKS has conducted numerous studies with its clients which have shown that CDI Queries do not need to be completely accurate if they are delivered in real-time at the point of care. Rather, an acceptable error rate is preferred to ensure that the queries are received in real-time and which learn from physician and CDI feedback responses. HITEKS uses the PowerBI Dashboard for Reporting and Analytics to continuously track queries and the user responses, and share these data with clients on a regular basis.
Instead of having to rely on untimely HIM feedback from manual coding review and back-end HIM systems, CDI Specialists now have a complete clinical workflow system available to them through HITEKS’ Insight powering CAPD360 Insight For NoteReader CDI. Local rules and HITEKS’ expansive library of over 100 automated query areas at their fingertips help CDI specialists identify query opportunities as soon as physicians complete their visit note. This includes the following up-to-date insurance-specific information, which is based on HITEKS’ experience and proprietary reference knowledge of millions of rules:
– Pediatric CDI
– NCCI Edits
– ICD Rules
– PQRS Rules
– MIPS Rules
– Specialty Bundling
– A.I. Insight RecognitionTM
10x faster than any other NLP services currently on the market, HITEKS’ CAPD360 Insight For NoteReader CDI takes advantage of modern software architecture guided by a management team of physicians. Competitors’ system response times support only “Silent Mode” because they are not timely or accurate enough for Direct Mode, reducing the compliance advantage of immediate queries. With HITEKS’, CDI Specialists have a true clinical, front-end tool which interacts with the EHR workflows so that CDI Specialists are in control. Other solutions rely on antiquated, back-end workflow and logic which cannot integrate with the EHR front-end system. After testing automated queries in Silent Mode workflow, CDI Specialists can decide to move some query types to Direct Mode where providers are notified that they will receive certain queries as CAPD (Computer-Assisted Physician Documentation) without manual review.
Which is more than competitor solutions CAPD360 Insight For NoteReader CDI utilizes a library of diagnosis modifiers and has built in medical necessity knowledge, which identifies incomplete clinical terms and suggests possible specificity during documentation. It also identifies areas that lack appropriate justification for a reimbursable diagnosis or procedure, and symptom combinations which require a stated diagnosis. This leads to fewer false positives and false negatives, as well as less alert fatigue.
HITEKS is the only vendor to offer a CDI solution with execution in Direct and Silent modes.
–Direct Mode: Provides immediate (<2 seconds) response time to physicians who are in the process of completing a note. This enhances claims coding capacity and compliance while reducing time spent on revenue cycle. Direct Mode in the EHR allows providers to significantly reduce the amount of time spent on returning to their patient’s chart to manually review CDI Queries.
– Silent Mode: Provides immediate queries to CDI and HIM Specialists with query names and prioritized numbering, which is especially useful for chart review to validate the Evidence for queries and also for determining Direct Mode candidate query types.
This ensures the protection of all patient health information (PHI). Unlike legacy vendors who use Microsoft platforms, HITEKS leverages more secure Linux systems with encrypted (VPN) tunnels for HL7 and web services data exchange between HITEKS and the Epic client EHR system.