Data is a valuable resource, and it’s only going to become more valuable as time goes on. However, collecting data from a wide range of sources can be difficult and time-consuming, which means that businesses have to spend a lot of time manually querying their providers for answers to questions.
But what if you could automate some of this? What if you could make use of the data in your database to provide you with proactive answers before you even had to ask?
The first step in the Proactive Approach to CDI is developing standardized definitions of clinical language with providers and coders that enhance the clinical practice of medicine. Next, it’s important to partner with other clinicians (e.g., wound care, antibiotic stewardship, respiratory therapy, preprocedural assessments, care management, quality, and sepsis coordinators) toward standardizing clinical language and facilitating its proper entry into the EHR.
Collaboration with executive leadership, managers, utilization review, quality, and case management in meeting common goals is also necessary. This collaboration should be supported by developing and integrating EHR documentation infrastructure (e.g., templates), as well as technology (e.g., artificial intelligence), which will help automate queries and improve real-time physician notifications using advanced data analysis.
Finally, it’s important to automate the analysis of clinical data that identifies CDI risks so that you can focus on improvement activities and refine your approach in a timely manner. Delays in CDI mean delayed revenue cycle and downstream bottlenecks in appropriate claims coding and quality metrics reporting.