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3 Key Takeaways From The ViVE 2023 Health Conference

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3 Key Takeaways From The ViVE 2023 Health Conference

The ViVE 2023 Health Conference, the 2nd annual showing for this relative newcomer to the healthcare scene after its debut last year in Miami, was an eye-opening event that brought together healthcare professionals, researchers, digital health startups, and policymakers to discuss the future of healthcare. The conference was held in Nashville and featured a range of presentations, discussions, and workshops on a variety of topics. After attending the event, three key takeaways were identified that will shape the future of healthcare in the coming years.

According to last year’s conference, #ViVE2022 merged the leadership of CHIME and the digital marketplace of HLTH to create a technology event focused on the business of transformation in healthcare.  HITEKS researched the takeaways from the 2022 conference to prepare for 2023 and there are some similarities.

The Future is Now: Personalization of Healthcare is the Standard

One of the most significant takeaways from the ViVE 2023 Health Conference was the emphasis on the personalization of healthcare. Personalized healthcare refers to the customization of healthcare services to fit the specific needs of an individual patient. This approach to healthcare is based on the concept that each patient is unique and requires personalized care to achieve optimal health outcomes.

The speakers at the conference discussed various ways in which healthcare can be personalized, including the use of wearable devices and personalized medicine. Wearable devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches have become increasingly popular in recent years. These devices can monitor vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and activity levels. By collecting this data, healthcare providers can gain insight into an individual’s health status and develop personalized treatment plans.

However, some patients may not wish to wear wearable devices or participate in other forms of monitoring due to privacy concerns or other reasons. In these cases, there may be other options for achieving a level of personalization through data analysis or other means.

The Need for Greater and More Inclusive Collaboration

The need for greater and more inclusive collaboration within healthcare was a constant theme throughout the event. This includes not only healthcare providers, but also health plans, policymakers, and the investor community.

“As healthcare organizations living in a digital age, we have to think like digital companies,” said Michael Archuleta, CIO of Mt. San Rafael Hospital and Clinics. “We have to stop viewing technology as a cost center and instead as a strategic initiative.”

The importance of collaboration between stakeholders in the healthcare industry can no longer be ignored. Digital transformation is about the bottom line—it’s a buzzphrase, yes—but it’s also a revenue strategy that can no longer be put on a 5-year roadmap.

Overall, it was clear that the healthcare industry needs more collaboration and that this will be essential for addressing some of the biggest challenges facing the industry.

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is Beginning to Fulfill its Potential

Another major theme at the ViVE 2023 Health Conference was the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. Speakers discussed the many ways that AI can be used to improve healthcare outcomes, from predicting patient outcomes to developing personalized treatment plans.

One way HITEKS is using AI to improve physician workflow, revenue capture and quality documentation and reporting is through our clinical Natural Language Processing engine (cNLP). This software process utilizes state-of-the-art cNLP featuring sub-second processing of free text delivered as a hosted service. The extracted data is then returned and placed in the appropriate structured fields and workflows in the EHR—allowing doctors to focus on what they do best: treating patients.

HITEKS uses algorithms proven effective in millions of records to send clarifications to clinicians at the point of care. This enables the physician to correct documentation in real-time as well as become informed of the latest recommendations for their patients at different points in the clinical workflow. The real-time nature of the interaction between HITEKS and the clinician allows HITEKS to solicit workflow-based and patient-based specific feedback from physicians that otherwise would be difficult to obtain.  

The latest feature of HITEKS’ CAPD360 Insight product powering Epic’s NoteReader CDI workflows is the Embedded Note Editor which provides any discovered documentation improvement feedback for revenue or quality-sensitive diagnoses to the provider as they are typing and before they save or sign their visit or progress note.  This reduces denials due to changed documentation and reduces the time physicians spend on answering queries retrospectively.  This feature, along with the other workflow features, have a 25% efficiency for both providers and the administrative staff, time better spent taking care of patients and following up on denials and clinical validation activities.

Closing Thoughts

The ViVE 2023 Health Conference was an invigorating experience, both professionally and personally. It provided a unique opportunity to engage in conversation with innovators from across the healthcare spectrum and beyond. Their energy and determination to improve health outcomes for patients are inspiring.

Collaboration, both within disciplines and across disciplines, will be necessary to adopt innovative approaches to providing quality care.

In the end, this conference has given us plenty of food for thought on the future of healthcare. We’ve learned about important new developments and products that will have a real impact in the near future. Hopefully, this trend will continue, and more stakeholders will be called on to contribute their expertise to improve healthcare outcomes in the coming years.


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