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In Case You Missed The ACDIS Round Table Discussion

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In Case You Missed The ACDIS Round Table Discussion

The Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists

You may recall that as of around this time last year, Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) professionals now have to educate themselves on as many as 2,600 changes to the ICD-10 system. Earlier this week, on Wednesday, November 2nd, the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists (ACDIS) held a conference in which they discussed the challenges of adopting new codes into the medical workplace. More specifically, they addressed the difficulty of educating physicians on the recent changes.

Among the changes were new stroke scale scores. There were also new codes for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, pancreatitis, and many more. It’s crucial for CDI professionals to learn these new codes so that they can effectively query doctors. Above all, the purpose is to allow documentation to become more exact in its approach. This should allow doctors to have a better idea of the status of their patients as soon as they see them.

But they didn’t just talk about the challenges of the changes in this conference. They also went over the advantages. They focused on the opportunities that these changes will provide to clinicians and CDI professionals. Now, assuming we can integrate the changes swiftly and effectively, all healthcare professionals will soon be able to communicate more precisely what the nature of patients’ illnesses.

By the end of the conference, all participating members should have been able to independently complete the following tasks:

Adapt CDI Practices To Meet The Latest Official Coding And Reporting Guidelines:

Like everything in medicine, we have a responsibility to constantly look to improve. With our efforts to move forward we must also strive to adapt with the times. With conferences such as the one that took place yesterday, we can learn to be more effective in our jobs.

Assess The Latest CDI Queries Regarding Whether They Require Updates:

Employees in medical facilities should not only be able to respond to new changes. They should also have enough familiarity with the new coding changes to spot when certain sections have not yet made the necessary changes. The goal is to make these new codes common knowledge amongst everybody. And that entails the spreading of information in pursuit of cohesive literacy.

Identify CDI Target Areas:

As mentioned, we must always strike to improve. That means always keeping an eye out for areas in medicine that are not as good as they could or should be. By working together, we can encourage everyone to be more proactive in their search for a better, more effective medical industry.

Develop Strategies For Reviews And New Opportunities Moving Forward:

In addition for retaining a certain eye for improvement, it’s also crucial that we know how to implement those changes. That’s why this conference included a section on how to develop reviews that make clear how ideas for the future can be put in motion.

Hiteks Solutions Inc. offers the best in clinical documentation improvement software. Our goal is ensure the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists that they can have confidence in their changes. In pursuit of getting all healthcare professionals on the same page, Hiteks is here to make the transition easier. Our software makes the coding and communication process between all participants smooth and easy. For more information on our various packages, give us a call at +1 (212) 920 – 0929.


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