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Increase Physician Productivity with Scribes plus A.I. & CAPD

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Increase Physician Productivity with Scribes plus A.I. & CAPD

While the impact of Medical Scribes on physician workflow and documentation has been well documented with several articles over the past few years (see below links), the impact of A.I. and CAPD is just now being realized and measured.

Since A.I. and CAPD (Computer Assisted Physician Documentation) are the latest technology enhancements to physician workflow, Hiteks has embarked to measure the impact in a controlled study of its Insight: Real-time Revenue Rescue platform on workflow and documentation.  This 2018 study is being organized which includes the following considerations, including access to Hiteks’  A.I. and CAPD software tools AdvocateMD and CAPD360 Insight powering Epic NoteReader and NoteReader CDI, respectively, at no charge during the course of this study:

Inclusion Criteria: Institutions using Epic versions 2015 or 2017 and who have employed Medical Scribes as part of their workforce for at least 12 months

Study methods: Measuring the before-and-after impact of using Hiteks powering Epic’s NoteReader and/or NoteReader CDI software tools in these 4 areas:

  1. Reimbursement per physician
  2. Query rate per physician
  3. Down-coded charts
  4. Number of encounters per hour per Scribe

Since 2014, Hiteks Solutions Insight: Real-time Revenue Rescue software has been providing physicians advanced real -time Clinical Decision Support inside the Epic EHR.

You could think of this study is a little like… John Henry vs. the Steam Powered Hammer.  

For more information, please contact or call us at 212.920.0929.


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