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Celebrate February as 100 Automated CDI Queries Month!

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Celebrate February as 100 Automated CDI Queries Month!

We are celebrating February as the month where HITEKS along with our clients will achieve 100 Query Types in our CAPD360 Insight For NoteReader CDI Library!  While we have long-ago surpassed all competition who have less than 25 Query Types, reaching 100 is a monumental achievement which reduces manual burden on health systems to cover the entire chart and improves physician compliance with our queries since they arrive within seconds of their note writing.
As a result of this milestone, we are offering new clients the first year usage of our system for no charge and with no strings attached.  In fact, we will offer credits to each new client who uses our system to generate additional CDI Query Types beyond the 96 currently in our system.  Here is the current list (note: some have multiple variations which are in parentheses), contact us for a demo today. 

Here is our current CDI library, contact us for a demo today for 100% guaranteed significant increase in total queries, query compliance and queries completed by subsequent documentation:

 HITEKS CDI Query Library

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