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Hiteks’ CDI And HCC Risk Adjustment Improvement Software

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Hiteks’ CDI And HCC Risk Adjustment Improvement Software

What Is CDI Software And Why Does It Matter?

CDI stands for Clinical Documentation Improvement. CDI software is what physicians use to ensure that they never miss or forget important information when examining a patient. It also makes it easier to code the information before sending it to the billing department. Over the years, physicians have noticed a recurring issue with data in hospitals. Each time healthcare professionals document information incorrectly, they run the risk of receiving inaccurate reimbursement. In general, the final number is usually far lower than what it should be.

What Is HCC Risk Adjustment Software And Why Does It Matter?

HCC stands for Hierarchical Condition Category. This is the coding process that physicians use to document all of the important details of patient care. Coders then pass this to the billing department. They then interpret the codes and determine the final amount owed to the physician/provider. Reimbursement and billing is an extremely important factor in healthcare. Especially in recent years with new health insurance policies.

Today’s coding system dates back to 1997. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated it as a means of improving documentation. Their goal was to keep a closer eye on exactly how much healthcare professionals should be making for their services. But the coding system grew to be incomprehensibly extensive and complex. It got to the point that doctors began to commit silly errors during the documentation process.

A Step By Step Explanation On How Hiteks Is Fixing An Important Problem In Healthcare

Hiteks’ CMI and HCC Risk Adjustment software fills the void that has prevented physicians from receiving proper reimbursement for far too long. That’s because Hiteks’ software allows for better clinical documentation, which studies show leads to a higher Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF) and Case Mix Index (CMI) score. Higher RAF and CMI scores lead to positive adjustment of capitation payments to a plan. And then finally, this leads to higher monetary rewards to the plan’s providers. We have correlated HCC capture with higher CMI, which is why we are certain that our software will make your healthcare facility function more cohesively with fewer silly error. In other words, Hiteks is making sure no one ever misses a step that could result in the improper billing of patients.

Hiteks Real-Time Solutions is a New York City based CDI and HCC Risk Adjustment Improvement Software provider. We provide software for clients all throughout the country with the goal of making American hospitals better. To learn more about our packages, products and services, give us a call today at 212-920-0929.


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